Needless to say, Leslie Nielsen's resume is recession proof. His IMDb listing is longer than Gheorge Muresean. He was inducted into the Canada Hall of Fame. Although, don't know how much credibility that provides. It's like being inducted into the Hopscotch Hall of Fame or winning the Hustle Award for your middle school ultimate frisbee team.
Detective Frank Drebin, Doctor Rumak, Mr. Magoo, President Baxter Harris, Commander JJ. Adams, Count Dracula.
Although he did act in serious roles early in his career, he has to be best remembered for his comedic performances. The movies where everything he said or did was a complete and utter joke. I remember watching Airplane!, Naked Gun and Dracula: Dead and Loving it for the first time and cackling until my sides were sore. Nielsen makes "To die laughing" a possible and preferable reality. Here are some great scenes from The Naked Gun. Careful not to pee yourself:
What is his best role of all time? It's an impossible question. A paradox. Every role is his best. I loved him in Airplane!, Naked Gun and even Superhero Movie. But, if I had to choose, I would have to go with a very underrated and small role in Scary Movie 3 (One of the greatest spoof films ever created). He plays President Harris. Think it's very similar to how George W. acted in the Oval Office:
But what Nielsen really taught me (other than how to drive a car or be a doctor) was to not take life too seriously. Joke around. Enjoy your time here. Make people laugh. Laughter brings comfort, which in turn brings happiness.
One of Nielsen's famous quotes is "Doing nothing is very hard to do...you never know when you're finished."
Well, after 84 successful years, you're finally finished, and that nothing has produced a whole lot.
Quality blogging about a quality man